cheesecake is making origami and he needs your help! He has an arbitrarily large rectangular piece of paper that he needs to cut into
pieces, whose dimensions don't matter.
cheesecake likes to be efficient. Therefore, if he can, he will stack multiple pieces of paper on top of one another and cut them all at the same time. Note that since he wants crisp origami, he will not fold any papers beforehand. For example, if he needs
pieces of paper, he can cut the starting piece in
, then stack the
pieces together and cut them to obtain
pieces. The catch is, cheesecake doesn't have very good scissors, so he can cut through at most
sheets of paper at a time.
To save time, he would like for you to find out the minimum number of cuts required to obtain the
Subtask 1 [60%]

Subtask 2 [40%]

Input Specification
The only line of input contains
, separated by a space.
Output Specification
One integer, the minimum number of cuts required to obtain the
Sample Input 1
4 2
Sample Output 1
Explanation for Sample Output 1
See problem description above.
Sample Input 2
100000 1
Sample Output 2
Explanation for Sample Output 2
Since cheesecake's scissors can only cut through one piece of paper at a time, he has to cut the paper
times for
pieces of paper.
Sample Input 3
100 7
Sample Output 3
For the last two cases, output has to be long to prevent int overflow.
True origami does not use scissors. You are not a true origami.
Then what do you use to cut the wood to make the paper if origami is just folding
teach me how to be an origami