Editorial for DMOPC '20 Contest 3 P5 - Tower of Power

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Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

Author: nthistle

Subtask 1

Since N is at most 3, and M is prime, we can just directly use Euler's Theorem along with a standard modpow. That is, given a tower a_1^{\left(a_2^{a_3}\right)} \pmod{M}, we can first compute b = a_2^{a_3} \pmod{\phi(M)}, and then compute a_1^{\left(a_2^{a_3}\right)} \equiv a_1^b \pmod{M}. The important thing here is that all exponentiations are done with a modulus, since otherwise, even for small values of a_i, the numbers rapidly blow up in size. As M is prime, we can easily compute \phi(M) = M-1, and the modular exponentiations are each \mathcal{O}(\log A) time (where A is the exponent, and bounded by 10^9). In Python, this approach might look something like the following:

n, m = map(int, input().split())
a1, a2, a3 = map(int, input().split())
print(pow(a1, pow(a2, a3, m - 1), m))

Of course, an actual solution needs to account for both n = 1, n = 2, and the case where a_1 \equiv 0 \pmod{M} (Python will happily evaluate 0^0 = 1, although here it should be 0 – one of the last test cases for subtask 1 covered this, and a few people got tripped up by it).

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(\log A) (but only works for N \le 3)

Subtask 2

The initial naive approach here is to use the same process as from subtask 1, but simply pass the modulus up the tower by repeatedly taking \phi(M), \phi(\phi(M)), \dots, and then evaluating from the top down. This approach requires a more general method for computing \phi(\cdot), as the modulus is no longer guaranteed to be prime, and certainly \phi(M) can never be prime, but it also doesn't work because of the requirements we need to use Euler's Theorem: we need the base and the modulus to be coprime. In subtask 1, as the modulus is prime, the only time this isn't the case is when the base is a multiple of the modulus, and the result is trivially 0. However, now we have to deal with the more general case where a_i and \phi^{i-1}(M) share some, not necessarily all, prime factors.

Computing \phi(M) can be done simply by factorizing M = p_1^{k_1} p_2^{k_2} \dots, which can be done easily in \mathcal{O}(\sqrt M) time, and computing \phi(M) = (p_1^{k_1} - p_1^{k_1 - 1}) (p_2^{k_2} - p_2^{k_2 - 1}) \dots, and repeatedly applying \phi(\cdot) makes the modulus shrink relatively quickly (it isn't hard to see that after \log_2 2M iterations, the result will be 1), so this isn't an issue (Also note that as we apply \phi(\cdot), the cost of factorizing goes down substantially, so this bound is not tight).

The intended solution to the non-coprime case was to use Chinese Remainder Theorem, splitting up a_i^{(\dots)} \pmod{M} into prime powers. More formally, let M = r \cdot p_1^{k_1} \cdot p_2^{k_2}, where p_1, p_2, \dots are primes that also divide a_i, and r is whatever is left over of M after dividing out these prime powers. Then, we compute a_i^{(\dots)} \pmod{r}, a_i^{(\dots)} \pmod{p_1^{k_1}}, a_i^{(\dots)} \pmod{p_2^{k_2}}, etc., and then "reassemble" the results using CRT:

\displaystyle \left.
a_i^{(\dots)} \pmod{r} \\
a_i^{(\dots)} \pmod{p_1^{k_1}} \\
a_i^{(\dots)} \pmod{p_2^{k_2}} \\
\right\} \overset{CRT}{\implies} a_i^{(\dots)} \pmod{M}

Computing the first of these is easy, as r is by definition now coprime to a_i, so we just continue with the regular approach. For the others, we claim they are usually 0, and when they aren't, they can be directly evaluated. Consider just one prime p that divides both M and a_i, and let a_i = t \cdot p^b, and p^c be the highest power of p that divides M. Also, allow k to represent the value of the "rest" of the tower (not modulo anything), which we can't necessarily compute directly. Then, we have:

\displaystyle a_i^k \equiv (t \cdot p^b)^k \pmod{p^c}

Clearly, if bk \ge c, this whole term is just 0, as the result will be a multiple of p^c. If it isn't, we must compute directly, but then this result is manageable, as k < \frac{c}{b}, which is at most 30. Thus, we can just check the next 4 terms of the tower (2^{2^{2^2}} > 30), and see whether the result will be at least \frac{c}{b} or not, which gives us \mathcal{O}(1) time for computing the results from the prime powers.

The actual process of CRT itself is quite fast, basically only relying on the extended Euclidean algorithm, which is \mathcal{O}(\log M) time (depending on how many distinct primes we have in common between the base and the modulus, we might have to do this a few times, but the constant here is small: at most 9 for bounds of 10^9). Naively, this gives us a total runtime of \mathcal{O}(N \sqrt M (\log M)(\log A)), but we can use the fact that we observed earlier, which is that applying \phi(\cdot) decreases the modulus very rapidly, and we can limit the N we need to consider to \log 2M.

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(\sqrt M (\log M)^2 (\log A))

However, as it turns out, there's a much cleaner solution to write, which doesn't require CRT (and is slightly faster). In the cleaner version, you just ignore the non-coprime issue, but instead when you propagate the modulus up the tower with \phi(\cdot), you don't reduce it all the way modulo \phi(M). If the exponent is b, when 1 < b < \phi(M), we leave it alone, but if b \ge \phi(M), we reduce it such that we have b \equiv b' \pmod{\phi(M)}, \phi(M) \le b < 2\phi(M). This abuses the following result:

\displaystyle a^{2\phi(M)} \equiv a^{\phi(M)} \pmod{M}, \textit{ regardless }\text{ of whether }a, M\text{ coprime.}

This result can be proved with the Chinese Remainder Theorem: consider splitting M out into prime powers. By CRT, if the statement is true modulo all the prime powers of M, it's true modulo M. Modulo any prime power coprime to a, Euler's Theorem tells us it's true. Modulo any prime power not coprime to a, they must be congruent to 0, since \phi(M) is at least the largest exponent of any prime power that divides M. Writing this more generally,

\displaystyle a^{k\phi(M)+c} \equiv a^{\phi(M)+c} \pmod{M}

As long as we don't remove that last \phi(M) from the exponent, we're fine. One way to look at this is we get to move the Chinese Remainder Theorem from the computations into a proof of an intermediary result, at the cost of our exponents being \phi(M) larger (which costs very little as modular exponentiation is cheap).

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(\sqrt M (\log M) (\log A))


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