Editorial for DMOPC '23 Contest 1 P3 - Colour Scheme

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Author: dxke02

The intended solution is to build the array from left to right.

The problem is now, given a known prefix of the array, can you determine the next element?

We will represent a query on the interval [L, R] as Q(L, R).

Lets assume the first X elements of the array have already been determined, i.e B_1, B_2, ... B_X have been determined. To determine B_{X+1} we can first do a query on the interval [1, X+1]. There are now two cases.

Case 1: Q(1, X+1) = Q(1, X) + 1

If Q(1, X+1) = Q(1, X) + 1, it's clear that B_{X+1} will not have appeared yet, thus we know it is a new distinct element.

Case 2: Q(1, X+1) = Q(1, X)

This implies that B_{X+1} has already appeared among the first X elements, we just have to determine which one it is.

The key observation is that 1 = Q(X+1, X+1) \leq Q(X, X+1) \leq Q(X - 1, X+1) \leq Q(X - 2, X+1) \space ... \leq Q(1, X+1), i.e Q(i, X+1) is monotonically increasing as i decreases. Clearly this is true since the number of distinct elements can only increase as the left end decreases. This motivates a binary search solution. Let C be a sorted array consisting of the indices of the last occurence of every distinct element in B_1, B_2, ... B_X. Observe that if B_{X+1} = B_{C[i]} then Q(C[i], X) = Q(C[i], X + 1). In fact for all j < i we will have Q(C[j], X) = Q(C[j], X+1) (why?). With this in mind we can simply determine the last index of C where the equality holds with binary search, this index will be equal to B_{X+1}. After determining B_{X+1}, update the array C so that it considers B_{X+1} as a last occurence of some element.

The query complexity of this algorithm is (N-K) \log K, where K is the number of distinct elements in the array. With proper implementation, this should fit within the 50000 query limit. Partial points are meant for sub-optimal implementations of the full solution.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N^2)


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