Tohka's favorite food is kinako bread, but she likes croissants too. For dinner, Shido has bought Tohka some kinako bread and some croissants to eat,
Note: A path is a sequence of unique vertices such that each pair of adjacent vertices in the path are connected by an edge in the tree. Specifically, a sequence of one vertex is considered a path.
Input Specification
The first line of input will have
The second line of input will have a string representing the type of bread on each vertex from K
if the type of bread on vertex C
if it's a croissant.
The next
Subtask 1 [30%]
Subtask 2 [30%]
All of the bread will be kinako bread.
Subtask 3 [40%]
Output Specification
The output should consist of one integer on a single line, the number of ways Tohka can pick a path of the tree to eat.
Sample Input
10 1 2 0 2
1 2
1 3
2 4
1 5
3 6
3 7
6 8
5 9
5 10
Sample Output
const == SpontaneousCombustion copied the code of jeffreyxiao for this problem...
Original code:
Offender's code:
Feel free to format the offender's code to compare them better. To the offender, please refrain from copying code in the future, whatever your reasons may be. This behaviour lacks integrity and honesty, especially when you simply steal the code of another and
some of the key variables effortlessly. We will continue to monitor your future submissions.Edit: The offender did not even rename variables, just removed formatting... If you believe this is a false accusation, feel free to reply and we can discuss this over Discord.
Edit 2: To respond to both replies, we know const is SpontaneousCombustion because they access DMOJ from the same IP address. Also, they submit at the exact same time, if you want to look at it from a practical standpoint. const is unlisted from excessive amounts of code copying, so his rank does not show.
Edit 3: On a side note, PeterWang, next time you copy code try to make sure it's at least in English...
Problem: Original: Copied:
Problem: Original: Copied:
Problem: Original: Copied:
To be fair it could just be similar code
Everyone copying bruce lol
Problem: Original: Copied: Copied: Copied:
how do you really know the difference between copied and similar. for some problems almost everyones code looks same
it's easier for more complex problems
It's also obvious if you suddenly start submitting to problems which are well beyond your skill level...
Hmmmm... Looks familiar...
it might be just that bruce is testing for them
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Do you not realize there are services known as VPNs that change your public IP? Anyways, check your Discord for proof. Also, if you just check all const recent submissions, you will see that most of them coincide exactly with SpontaneousCombustion submission times. If that's not enough evidence, I don't know what is.
Edit: Literally all 5 of const solved problems are submitted at the same time as SpontaneousCombustion. Please actually check before you make false claims.
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Why does const not have rank by points on his profile?
It happens when you're unlisted from the points leaderboard, usually because you copied others' code for points.
my warning is so long that the judge won't run the program :(