Ruby and her sister Yang are playing with a mechanized board game.
The board consists of

A game board.
Every second, the board moves every block up
A player may start the game by placing a red piece on any clear tile where
Every second, the player may move their red piece by at most
The goal of the player is to have their block reach

Ruby is playing Yang. Since they recently argued over something petty, Ruby wants to get back at Yang by making the game impossible for Yang to finish. To this end, she will be placing — while Yang is not looking — a number of new wall blocks to cut off Yang's movement. How many blocks does she need, if she wants to use as few as possible to make the game unwinnable?
Input Specification
The first line of input will contain two space-separated integers .
representing a blank space and #
representing a block at
Output Specification
A single integer; the number of blocks Ruby needs to place.
Sample Input 1
5 2
Sample Output 1
Explanation for Sample Output 1
Ruby may place a block at
Sample Input 2
5 1
Sample Output 2
Explanation for Sample Output 2
Placing any block will make the game unwinnable.
Sample Input 3
3 3
Sample Output 3
Sample Input 4
5 5
Sample Output 4
Explanation for Sample Output 4
A block must be placed at
Sorry, just some more confirmations:
Is the piece allowed to go off the bottom and enter from the top (clarifying since technically a block does not do that move, rather off the top and enter from the bottom)?
Is this allowed:
Time t
Time t+1
Can it go through the block?
Edit: Answers to both questions are yes
Is Sample Input 4 correct?
Even if you place a block at (1,0), you can start at the topmost leftmost tile and move "Right Right Stay Right Right".
Am I reading the problem wrong? Thank you!
If there is a block at (1,0), you cannot start at the top-left tile and move right, because you would then encounter said block.
But don't the blocks move up 1 unit every second so that at t=1, the said block is at (1,N-1) and the player is at (1,0)?
To move a piece when
, the adjacent cell must be empty at 
, not after the rotation at 
"A player may move their piece to a tile
at time 
if and only if 
is clear…at 
So just confirming, the following case is allowed:
But this case is not:
Also, it seems that in the simulation of the game, state t=9 to t=10 matches the latter case.
Thank you!
Scratch what I said earlier. After reviewing the simulation, I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea how any of this works.
It seems like any move is allowed as long as the destination tile will be clear after the next shift.
But then that would contradict sample 4.
I believe the correct square to be blocked is (3, 4), but could someone else confirm?
I believe that there is still a path if
is blocked.
(3, 4) would be:
Indices start from 0.
Oops, my bad. Can confirm, one block at
makes the game unwinnable.
Is this excluding the red block?
EDIT: Seems so.