Editorial for DMPG '18 G2 - Gardening Fun

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Author: r3mark

The key idea is that when watering a subarray, do not consider the entire subarray. Instead, consider the number of times a certain plant is watered as a result of these subarrays. Let dp[i][j] be the minimum cost to water the first i plants and such that the i^\text{th} plant has been watered by j subarrays. Then we add B for each new subarray at this step and A for each subarray at this step. So we obtain the following recurrence:

\displaystyle dp[i][j] = \min\left(\min_{k \le j} \left(dp[i-1][k] + B(j-k) + Aj + C(v_i-j)^2\right), \min_{k \ge j} \left(dp[i-1][k] + Aj + C(v_i-j)^2\right) \right)

Call V the largest value of v_i. It is not hard to see that we only need to consider j up to V. The constraints for the first subtask allow this recurrence to pass in time.

Time Complexity: \mathcal O(NV^2)

For the second subtask, we will perform an optimization so that the transition becomes \mathcal O(1) instead of the original \mathcal O(V). Rewrite the recurrence by rearranging the terms which do not depend on k:

\displaystyle dp[i][j] = \min\left(Bj + Aj + C(v_i-j)^2 + \min_{k \le j} (dp[i-1][k]-Bk), Aj + C(v_i-j)^2 + \min_{k \ge j} dp[i-1][k]\right)

We can precompute \displaystyle \min_{k \le j} (dp[i-1][k]-Bk) and \displaystyle \min_{k \ge j} dp[i-1][k] in \mathcal O(V) for all j and for each i by doing a running minimum. So we can now do the transition in \mathcal O(1).

Time Complexity: \mathcal O(NV)


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