Editorial for DMPG '19 G1 - Camera Calibration Challenge

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Authors: Kirito, AvaLovelace

This problem was greatly inspired by this DMOPC problem. The first subtask can be solved in the same manner as it.

For the remaining 90\% of points, we can take advantage of some monotonic properties. Observe that as \varepsilon_i increases, the number of elements that become "clipped" monotonically increases.

Thus, we can push the elements in the grid into a queue in descending b_{i, j}. We maintain the current sum s_n of non-clipped elements and the number s_c of clipped elements. For each query i, we want to find the first C'_i such that \frac{C_is_n + 1.0s_c}{NM} \geq \varepsilon_i. Rearranging, we find that C_i \geq \frac{NM \varepsilon_i - 1.0s_c}{s_n}. Let's call NM \varepsilon_i - 1.0s_c our target sum, t.

We then process the queries in ascending \varepsilon_i. For each query i, we know that C'_i must be at least \lceil\frac{t}{s_n} \cdot 10^6\rceil. However, setting C'_i to this value may result in some of the values clipping and the true C'_i being larger. Thus, as long as the elements at the front of the queue are clipped by our current C'_i, we will pop them off and recalculate s_n, s_c, and C'_i. Once we have found a C'_i that does not clip any additional elements, we have our answer. As each of the NM elements is popped at most once, the overall complexity of this stage is \mathcal O(NM + Q).

However, there is one thing to watch out for. There are certain values for t, s_c, and the element at the front of the queue b_{front} such that when C'_{new} = \lceil\frac{t - 1.0}{s_n - b_{front}} \cdot 10^6 \rceil is calculated, it is smaller than the previous C'_{pre} = \lceil\frac{t}{s_n} \cdot 10^6 \rceil. (One such set of values from the test data is t = 25\,105\,059\,110, s_c = 22\,570\,341\,993, and b_{front} = 899\,035.) How is this possible if C is supposed to be monotonically increasing?

The problem lies with the ceiling function. In such cases, C'_{pre} = \frac{t}{s_n} \cdot 10^6 does not cause b_{front} to clip, but C'_{pre} = \lceil\frac{t}{s_n} \cdot 10^6\rceil does. This causes us to pop b_{front} off the queue and calculate C'_{new}, which in these cases turns out to be less than C'_{pre}. However, since we needed C' to be at least C'_{pre} in order to clip b_{front}, the correct answer would be C'_{pre}, not C'_{new}! These cases are a common source of WA's but are easily dealt with by updating C'_{cur} to \max(C'_{pre}, C'_{new}) rather than replacing it with C'_{new}.

Time Complexity: \mathcal O(NM \log(NM) + Q \log Q)


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