Editorial for DMPG '19 S5 - Secret Sort

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Author: r3mark

Consider the array a_1, a_2, \dots, a_N and consider two indices i, j with i < j. Let x be the number of elements in the subarray from i to j with value between a_i and a_j exclusive. Consider how the number of inversions changes if the elements with indices i and j are swapped. It turns out that if a_i < a_j, then the number of inversions increases by 1 + 2 \cdot u and if a_i > a_j, then the number decreases by 1 + 2 \cdot u. So u can be determined by swapping i and j.

Observe that if i=1 and j=N, then the subarray from 1 to N contains every number from 1 to N. So the value u+1 is simply the difference between a_i and a_j. We will extend this idea. First, set i=1, j=N. This tells us a_N relative to a_1. Next, set i=1, j=N-1. Though the subarray from 1 to N-1 is no longer every number, we know the value of a_N relative to a_1 and a_N is the only missing number. So we can determine a_{N-1} relative to a_1. We continue this with j=N-2, N-3, \dots, 2 to determine every element of the array relative to each other. Using this, each element can be identified. This took N-1 swaps (plus another at the start to get the initial number of inversions). Once the elements are known, it is easy to sort the array in N-1 swaps. This totals to 2N-1 which is just barely under the limit.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N^2)


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