DWITE '11 R3 #5 - Tautology

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Points: 10
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DWITE, December 2011, Problem 5

XKCD Tautology Club

We define a propositional formula as follows:

  • {a,b,,j} are atomic propositions, representing either true or false.
  • If A and B are propositional formulae, then so are:
    • AB is boolean "and"
    • AB is boolean "or"
    • ¬A¬ is boolean "not"

For example, ((ab)(¬ca)) is a propositional formula. A tautology is a propositional formula that equates to true for all possible value assignments to the atomic propositions. Our previous example ((ab)(¬ca)) is not a tautology because for the assignments a=false, b=false and c=true, the formula evaluates to a false. However (a¬a) is a tautology because no matter what the atomic proposition is this equates to true; (true or not-true) == true, (false or not-false) == true.

The input will contain 5 test cases, each three lines (not more than 255 characters) with a propositional formula per line.

The output will contain 5 lines of output, each three characters long. Y for tautology, N for not tautology.

Sample Input

((a v b) ^ (~c v a))
(a v ~a)
~(a ^ ~a)
((a ^ b) v ~(c ^ ~c))

Note that ~ is used for ¬, ^ for , and v for .

Sample Output


Problem Resource: DWITE

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported


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