ECOO '16 R1 P2 - Spindie

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Points: 7 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 64M

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In the game of "Spindie", players take turns spinning a spinner and rolling a die.

On each turn, they spin the spinner three times and roll the die between each pair of spins (i.e. the sequence on a single turn is: Spin, Roll, Spin, Roll, Spin). Each spin of the spinner lands on some integer and each roll of the die results in an integer from 1 to 6. The first spinner number is the base score. Then if a die roll is 1 through 5, the player adds the next spinner number to their score. If they roll a 6, the next number is used to multiply their score. The winner is the player with the highest score after a set number of rounds.

Here are some example turns of Spindie:

Spin Roll Spin Roll Spin Score
10 4 7 1 8 (10 + 7) + 8 = 25
1 3 2 6 5 (1 + 2) \times 5 = 15
6 6 6 6 6 (6 \times 6) \times 6 = 216

The input will contain 10 test cases.

The first line of each test case will consist of an integer N representing the number of integers on the spinner, where 1 \le N \le 5000.

The next line contains the N integers on the spinner, S_1 through S_N, separated by spaces, where 1 \le S_i \le 100.

The next line will contain five target integers T_1 through T_5 separated by spaces, where 1 \le T_i \le 10^6.

For each test case, your program should output a single line consisting of 5 letters. Each letter should represent one of the five targets (in order). If the target represents a possible score in a single round of Spindie, then output a T. If it is not possible, output an F.

Note that the sample data below contains only 5 test cases, but the test data will contain 10.

Sample Input

23 74 7 64 47
128605 205 2162 2709 71346
26 5 11
407 962 455 21 902
23 75 89 24
933 484 13248 102 44640
23 61 77 83 12 92 1 7 65
72900 144 5704 145 6370
87 20 94 99 14 26 87
241956 177 749331 221 4066

Sample Output


Educational Computing Organization of Ontario - statements, test data and other materials can be found at


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