Editorial for Facebook Hacker Cup '15 Round 2 P2 - All Critical

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Let P(s, i) be the probability that we have collected exactly i critical bars after s plays of the song. So P(0, 0) = 1, and for i > 0, P(0, i) = 0. We can then compute P(s, i) for s > 0 and 0 \le i \le 20 recursively as follows:

\displaystyle P(s, i) = \sum_{j=0}^i (P(s-1, j) \times C(20-j, i-j) \times p^{i-j} \times (1-p)^{20-i})

(Note that C(n, k) is the binomial coefficient, or "combinatoric choose" function.)

The intuitive explanation for the above formula is that we want to have exactly i critical bars after s playthroughs, and we consider all values j \le i such that we had exactly j critical bars right before our s^\text{th} playthrough. The probability of that having been the case is P(s-1, j), the number of ways to select exactly i-j of the remaining 20-j sections (on which to get new critical bars) is C(20-j, i-j), and these values are multiplied by both the probability of getting critical bars on i-j bars, and by the probability of not getting critical bars on the remaining 20-i bars.

For i > 0, let Q(i) be the probability that we receive our 20^\text{th} critical bar on the i^\text{th} playthrough. For i > 0, we can compute the following:

\displaystyle Q(i) = P(i, 20) - P(i-1, 20)

For example, if there's a 50\% chance that we have all of the bars after one playthrough, and a 60\% chance that we have them all after two playthroughs, then there must be a 60\% - 50\% = 10\% chance that it will take us exactly two playthroughs to get all of the bars.

We can then compute the expected number of playthroughs, E, with the following infinite sum:

\displaystyle E = \sum_{i=1}^\infty (i \times Q(i))

Practically though, we only need to evaluate this sum for small values of i, up to some value L. i increases linearly, but Q(i) falls off exponentially, so their product also decreases exponentially. Since we only need 5 decimal places of precision, it's safe to stop computing the remainder of the sum once this product is reasonably small (say 10^{-9} for example). For the lower bound in this problem, p = 0.01, giving L a value of 5\,000 or so is more than sufficient. Computing P(s, i) for 0 \le s \le L and 0 \le i \le 20 takes on the order of L \times 20^2 operations.


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