Editorial for Google Code Jam '18 Qualification Round Problem A - Saving The Universe Again

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Test set 1

Since there is at most one C instruction in this test set, we can solve the two cases independently.

If there is no C instruction in P, then none of our swaps will have any effect, so all we can do is check whether the damage of the beam exceeds D.

If there is one C instruction in P, then we can try every possible position for the C instruction in the program. Assuming that there is at least one position for the C instruction that causes the total damage not to exceed D, we can choose the scenario that requires the fewest swaps; the number of required swaps for a scenario is equal to the distance between the original and final positions of the C instruction.

Test set 2

To solve test set 2, we will first derive a formula to compute the total damage based on the positions of the C and S instructions in P. Let N_C and N_S be the number of C and S instructions in P, respectively. Let C_i be the number of S instructions to the right of the i-th C instruction, where i uses 1-based indexing.

Note that the i-th C instruction will increase the damage of the subsequent beams by 2^{i-1}. For example, in the input program CSSCSSCSS, initially, all of the S instructions will inflict a damage of 1. Consider the damage dealt by the last S instruction. Since the robot has been charged twice, the damage output by the last instruction will be 4. Alternatively, we see that the damage, 4 = 1 (initial damage) + 2^0 (damage caused by the first C) + 2^1 (damage caused by the second C). By breaking down the damage by each S instruction in the same manner, the total damage output, D, of the input program is given by:

\displaystyle D = N_S + C_1 \times 1 + C_2 \times 2 + \dots + C_{N_C} \times 2^{N_C-1}

Next, we investigate how each swap affects the amount of damage. A swap on adjacent characters which are the same will not affect the equation. When we swap the i-th C instruction with a S instruction to its right, the value of C_i will decrease by 1 since now there is one less S than before. On the other hand, swapping the i-th C instruction with an S instruction on its left will increase the value of C_i by 1. Note that in either case, we will only modify the value of C_i, and the other C values will remain the same. This suggests that we should only ever swap adjacent instructions of the form CS.

Therefore, executing M swaps is equivalent to reducing the values of C_is such that the total amount of reduction across all C_is is M. We want the total damage (according to the above equation) to be minimized. Clearly, we should reduce the values of C_i that contribute to the largest damage output, while making sure that each of the C_is is nonnegative.

Intuitively, all of this math boils down to a very simple algorithm! As long as there is an instance of CS in the current program, we always swap the latest (rightmost) instance. After each swap, we can recompute the damage and check whether it is still more than D. If it is not, then we can terminate the program. If we ever run out of instances of CS to swap, but the damage that the program will cause is still more than D, then the universe is doomed.

Test Data We recommend that you practice debugging solutions without looking at the test data.


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