When Butane was still a human, one of his favourite games to play was Sokoban. In Sokoban, you play as a warehouse keeper, pushing boxes to designated spots, trying for the least number of moves. Butane attempted to program himself with a Sokoban solver so that he could fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a warehouse keeper, but unfortunately the program is bugged!
It would be unreasonable to ask for a full Sokoban solver so your task is to code a simpler version of the game. You will be given a grid of size
- The warehouse keeper, each turn, can move one square in one of the 4 cardinal directions: up, down, left or right.
- The warehouse keeper cannot pass through the box or walls, nor go outside of the grid. The box cannot move through walls nor go outside the grid.
- If the warehouse keeper attempts to move through a box, the box will be pushed one square in the direction the keeper was moving, unless it will be pushed into a wall (in which case neither the keeper nor the box will move).
- The level is solved when the box is on the storage location.
- The goal is to solve the level with the least number of moves.
Can you help reprogram ButaneBot's simple Sokoban solver?
Input Specification
Line 1: Two integers,
The next
characters represent the floor, #
characters represent walls, the B
character represents the starting location of the box, the P
character represents the starting location of the player and X
represents the storage location.
Output Specification
Output one integer, the minimum number of moves required to solve the level, or -1
if the level is unsolvable.
Sample Input
5 5
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample Output
One of the optimal move sets is DOWN, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, UP, UP.
I keep getting array index out of bounds exception. What is wrong with my code?
Add an else statement after checking conditions when you are printing output.
I got it. Thanks!