Editorial for IOI '02 P4 - Batch Scheduling

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This problem can be solved using dynamic programming. Let C_i be the minimum total cost of all partitionings of jobs J_i, J_{i+1}, \dots, J_n into batches. Let C_i(k) be the minimum total cost when the first batch is selected as \{J_i, J_{i+1}, \dots, J_{k-1}\}. That is, C_i(k) = C_k + (S + T_i + T_{i+1} + \dots + T_{k-1}) \times (F_i + F_{i+1} + \dots + F_n).

Then we have that

  • C_i = \min\{C_i(k) \mid k = i+1, \dots, n+1\} for 1 \le i \le n,
  • and C_{n+1} = 0.

\mathcal O(n^2) Time Algorithm

The time complexity of the above algorithm is \mathcal O(n^2).

\mathcal O(n) Time Algorithm

Investigating the property of C_i(k), P. Bucker [1] showed that this problem can be solved in \mathcal O(n) time.

From C_i(k) = C_k + (S + T_i + T_{i+1} + \dots + T_{k-1}) \times (F_i + F_{i+1} + \dots + F_n), we have that for i < k < l,

\displaystyle \begin{align*}
C_i(k) \le C_i(l)
&\iff C_l - C_k + (T_k + T_{k+1} + \dots + T_{l-1}) \times (F_i + F_{i+1} + \dots + F_n) \ge 0 \\
&\iff \frac{C_k-C_l}{T_k + T_{k+1} + \dots + T_{l-1}} \le F_i + F_{i+1} + \dots + F_n

Let g(k,l) = \frac{C_k-C_l}{T_k + T_{k+1} + \dots + T_{l-1}} and f(i) = F_i + F_{i+1} + \dots + F_n.

Property 1: Assume that g(k,l) \le f(i) for 1 \le i < k < l. Then C_i(k) \le C_i(l).

Property 2: Assume g(j,k) \le g(k,l) for some 1 \le j < k < l \le n. Then for each i with 1 \le i < j, C_i(j) \le C_i(k) or C_i(l) \le C_i(k).

Property 2 implies that if g(j,k) \le g(k,l) for j < k < l, C_k is not needed for computing F_i. Using this property, a linear time algorithm can be designed, which is given in the following.

Algorithm Batch

The algorithm calculates the values C_i for i = n down to 1. It uses a queue-like list Q = (i_r, i_{r-1}, \dots, i_2, i_1) with tail i_r and head i_1 satisfying the following properties:

  • i_r < i_{r-1} < \dots < i_2 < i_1 and
  • g(i_r, i_{r-1}) > g(i_{r-1}, i_{r-2}) > \dots > g(i_2, i_1) — (1)

When C_i is calculated,

  1. // Using f(i), remove unnecessary element at head of Q.

    If f(i) \ge g(i_2,i_1), delete i_1 from Q since for all h \le i, f(h) \ge f(i) \ge g(i_2,i_1) and C_h(i_2) \le C_h(i_1) by Property 1.

    Continue this procedure until for some t \ge l, g(i_r, i_{r-1}) > g(i_{r-1}, i_{r-2}) > \dots > g(i_{t+1}, i_t) > f(i).

    Then by Property 1, C_i(i_{v+1}) > C_i(i_v) for v = t, \dots, r-1 or r = t and Q contains only i_t.

    Therefore, C_i(i_t) is equal to \min\{C_i(k) \mid k = i+1, \dots, n+1\}.

  2. // When inserting i at the tail of Q, maintain Q for the condition (1) to be satisfied.

    If g(i, i_r) \le g(i_r, i_{r-1}), delete i_r from Q by Property 2.

    Continue this procedure until g(i, i_v) > g(i_v, i_{v-1}).

    Append i as a new tail of Q.


Each i is inserted into Q and deleted from Q at most once. In each insertion and deletion, it takes a constant time. Therefore the time complexity is \mathcal O(n).


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