Editorial for IOI '04 P1 - Artemis

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Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

Observation: Let f(x, y) be the number of trees below and to the left of (x, y). Then the number of the trees in the rectangle bounded by t_1 and t_2 is:

\displaystyle f(t_1.x, t_1.y) + f(t_2.x, t_2.y) - f(t_1.x, t_2.y) - f(t_1.y, t_2.x) + 1

if t_1 lies below and to the left of t_2 (or vice versa), and a similar formula if not.

  1. Trivial algorithm. Loop over all rectangles, and loop over all trees to count those inside the rectangle.

    \mathcal O(n^3)

  2. Use dynamic programming to compute f(t_1.x, t_2.y) for every t_1, t_2. Then evaluate all rectangles using the formulae.

    \mathcal O(n^2), but also \mathcal O(n^2) memory

  3. Place an outer loop t over the trees, representing one corner of a potential rectangle. To evaluate rectangles with corners at t, one only needs f(t.x, *) and f(*, t.y). These can be computed with DP as in algorithm (2), and requires only linear memory.

    \mathcal O(n^2)

  4. Sort the trees from left to right, and then process them in that order. As each new tree (say t_n) is added, it is inserted into a list of current trees that is sorted vertically. From this information one can calculate f(t.x, t_n.y) and f(t_n.x, t.y) for every t to the left of t_n, in linear time. Then one can evaluate all rectangles with one corner at t_n. This ends up being very similar to algorithm (3).

    \mathcal O(n^2)

  5. Algorithm (1), but with optimised counting. As a pre-process, associate a bitfield with each tree representing which trees lie below and to the right, and a similar bitfield for trees below and to the left. The trees inside a given rectangle may be found as the binary AND of two bitfields. A fast counting mechanism (such as a 16-bit lookup table) will accelerate counting.

    \mathcal O(n^3) and \mathcal O(n^2) memory, but with low constant factors


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