Editorial for IOI '10 P3 - Quality of Living
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
This problem looks like many other grid tasks. Such problems have also appeared on some previous IOIs. Heavy range-search algorithms might seem to be useful, but actually a much simpler solution exists.
Let measure the size of a problem instance.
Subtask 1
Subtask 1 can be solved by the most obvious brute force algorithm that considers each rectangle (there are of these), quadratically sorts its contents ( steps), and directly picks out the median rank, and optimizes this. The worst case situation is obtained by and . Therefore, this algorithm's time complexity is .
Subtask 2
Using any sort algorithm (these are well-known), the brute force algorithm can be improved to . This solves subtask 2.
Also, an sort (bucket sort) is possible, to obtain a simple algorithm, but this does not suffice to solve Subtask 3.
There are some obvious opportunities for improvement, such as exploiting the large overlap between certain rectangles when filling/emptying the array to be sorted. But these improvements do not affect the time complexity.
Subtask 3
algorithms are also possible and they solve Subtask 3. Here is one: say the vertical offset of the final rectangle is known [ possibilities]. Then scan across the row, using some efficient data structure to keep track of the median (think of incremental/sliding window, such as a range tree plus binary search, or a pair of heaps for values less/greater than the median). [Each value is added/subtracted from the data structure exactly once, for an scan length.]
This is rather involved to code; see Subtask 5 for a simpler and better solution.
Subtask 4
This subtask accommodates possible algorithms, although we have not encountered them.
Subtask 5
Here is an solution. Observe that the program's output can be verified by some algorithm which answers the question "Does any rectangle have median ?" This query can be answered in time. A rectangle has median if and only if it contains more values than otherwise. Assign all cells in the grid a 'value' according to a 'threshold' function: if greater than , if equal to , if less than . Using the well-known cumulative data structure for queries on rectangular sums, try all possible rectangle locations and return "yes" if the 'values' inside any sum to . We simply binary search values of to find the minimum value for which the answer is "yes".
N.B. An algorithm suffices for score.
Linear Solution
Mihai Patrascu (ROM) found an solution with the following reasoning.
Claim 1: Given a value , one can identify in time which rectangles have a median better than .
Proof: In linear time, build a partial-sums array: #{elements in better than }. The number of elements better than in any rectangle can now be found by combining values of . The median of an by rectangle is better than if and only if the number of elements better than is less than . QED
Claim 2: One can find the best median of designated rectangles, in running time .
Proof: Compress everything to a grid and binary search for the best median. In each step of the binary search, I need to go over the entire grid, and a number of elements that are originally , but decreasing geometrically each time. QED
Claim 3: One can find the best median of all rectangles in time.
Proof: By the above, one can set and still get linear time. Sample rectangles; apply Claim 2. Apply Claim 1 to filter everybody with worse medians. One is left with rectangles. Do the same again, one is left with rectangles. Now just apply Claim 2. QED