IOI '10 P3 - Quality of Living (Standard I/O)

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Points: 15 (partial)
Time limit: 5.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type


Cities in Alberta tend to be laid out as rectangular grids of blocks. Blocks are labeled with coordinates 0 to R-1 from north to south and 0 to C-1 from west to east.

The quality of living in each particular block has been ranked by a distinct number, called quality rank, between 1 and R \cdot C, where 1 is the best and R \cdot C is the worst.

The city planning department wishes to identify a rectangular set of blocks with dimensions H from north to south and W from west to east, such that the median quality rank among all blocks in the rectangle is the best. H and W are odd numbers not exceeding R and C respectively. The median quality rank among an odd number of quality ranks is defined to be the quality rank m in the set such that the number of quality ranks better than m equals the number of quality ranks worse than m.

Input Specification

The first line of input will contain the four space-separated integers R, C, H, and W, where R and C represent the total size of the city, and H and W represent the dimensions of the set of blocks.

The next R lines each contain C integers, denoting an array Q such that Q[a][b] is the quality rank for the block labeled a from north to south and b from west to east.

Output Specification

A single integer, the best (numerically smallest) possible median quality rank of an H by W rectangle of blocks.

Sample Input 1

5 5 3 3
5 11 12 16 25
17 18 2 7 10
4 23 20 3 1
24 21 19 14 9
6 22 8 13 15

Sample Output 1


Explanation for Sample Output 1

R=5, C=5, H=3, W=3,
Q=  5 11 12 16 25
   17 18  2  7 10
    4 23 20  3  1
   24 21 19 14  9
    6 22  8 13 15

For this example, the best (numerically smallest) median quality rank of 9 is achieved by the middle-right rectangle of Q shown in bold.

Sample Input 2

2 6 1 5
6 1 2 11 7 5
9 3 4 10 12 8

Sample Output 2

Subtask 1 [20 points]

Assume R and C do not exceed 30.

Subtask 2 [20 points]

Assume R and C do not exceed 100.

Subtask 3 [20 points]

Assume R and C do not exceed 300.

Subtask 4 [20 points]

Assume R and C do not exceed 1\,000.

Subtask 5 [20 points]

Assume R and C do not exceed 3\,000.


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