Editorial for IOI '12 P4 - Ideal City

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

Simple solutions use Floyd-Warshall algorithm or iterated BFS on the unary-cost edges, and both require \mathcal O(N) space: time is \mathcal O(N^3) for Floyd-Warshall, and \mathcal O(N^2) for the iterated BFS, which requires N times the number \mathcal O(N) of edges.

A more efficient solution is the following one.

  • For every row r, consider the connected groups of cells on row r; each such group becomes a node of a tree, with a weight corresponding to the cardinality of the group. Two nodes of this tree are adjacent iff there are at least two cells in the corresponding groups sharing a common edge. Repeat the same argument for every column c.
  • The above description yields two node-weighted trees, one (let us call it TH) corresponding to horizontal node-groups and another (TV) for vertical node-groups.
  • Now, a shortest path between any two cells can be decomposed into two shortest paths along TV and TH: the two corresponding integers are called the vertical and horizontal contribution, respectively.
  • Let us limit ourselves to the horizontal contributions. The sum of all horizontal contributions can be computed as the sum of w(x) \times w(y) \times d(x, y) over all possible distinct pairs of distinct nodes x and y in TV: here, w(x) and w(y) are their weight (number of cells) and d(x, y) is their distance in TV.
  • The latter summation can be computed in linear time in the number of edges of TV, by observing that it is equivalent to the sum of S(e) \times S'(e) over all edges e of TV, where S(e) and S'(e) are the sum of the weights of the two components of the tree obtained after removing the edge e.


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