Editorial for IOI '15 P2 - Scales

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This is based on the well-known problem of ordering five coins with 7 (binary) weighings. There are 120 permutations and 128 possible sequences of seven answers, and it is indeed possible to find a strategy which always works.

In our problem, there are 720 possible answers, and with at most 6 ternary weighings, theoretically we could obtain 3^6 = 729 possible answers. The gap is very small, but it turns out that it is again possible to find a strategy which uses just 6 weighings.

The easiest solution here is to generate a memorization function which, for each possible subset of possible permutations, tries all the possible questions, and returns the best one. It is possible to bound the branching, as follows:

  • Always take care that there are at most 243 consistent results after 1 weighing, at most 81 consistent results after 2 weighings, etc.
  • If, for the given subset of power P, we have already found a solution which uses N weighings, and P > 3^{N-1}, then do not look further (we have already found the best possible answer).

With these optimizations, we could write a program which generates the strategy tree, in the form of a program which could be submitted for judging. With the optimizations above, it is also possible to generate it on the fly.


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