Editorial for IOI '18 P1 - Combo

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
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Let Q be the number of asks.


  • Ask all possible strings until N is returned.


  • Determine the characters of S from the beginning one by one.
  • For each position, try all four characters one by one.

Q=2N+1 or 2N

  • Determine the characters of S from the beginning one by one.
  • For the first position, determine the character by three asks. For each position except the first one, considering the constraint of S, determine the character by two asks.
  • Or for each position, using conditional branches, determine the character by two asks.


  • Determine the characters of S from the beginning one by one.
  • Except for the first or last position, determine the character by one ask as follows.
    • Assume that the first character of S is, for example, A.
    • Let s be the prefix of S already known.
    • Ask s+B+s+XB+s+XX+s+XY.
    • If the next character is B, then |s|+1 is returned. If it is X, then |s|+2 is returned. If it is Y, then |s| is returned.
  • Note that if QN+10, you can get nearly full points according to Q.


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