Aunty Khong is preparing boxes of candies for students from a nearby school. The boxes are numbered from to and are initially empty. Box has a capacity of candies.
Aunty Khong spends days preparing the boxes. On day , she performs an action specified by three integers , and where and . For each box satisfying :
- If , Aunty Khong adds candies to box , one by one, until she has added exactly candies or the box becomes full. In other words, if the box had candies before the action, it will have candies after the action.
- If , Aunty Khong removes candies from box , one by one, until she has removed exactly candies or the box becomes empty. In other words, if the box had candies before the action, it will have candies after the action.
Your task is to determine the number of candies in each box after the days.
Implementation Details
You should implement the following procedure:
std::vector<int> distribute_candies(std::vector<int> c, std::vector<int> l, std::vector<int> r, std::vector<int> v)
- : an array of length . For , denotes the capacity of box .
- , and : three arrays of length . On day , for , Aunty Khong performs an action specified by integers , and , as described above.
- This procedure should return an array of length . Denote the array by . For , should be the number of candies in box after the days.
Example 1
Consider the following call:
distribute_candies({10, 15, 13}, {0, 0}, {2, 1}, {20, -11})
This means that box has a capacity of candies, box has a capacity of candies, and box has a capacity of candies.
At the end of day , box has candies, box has candies and box has candies.
At the end of day , box has candies, box has candies. Since , there is no change in the number of candies in box . The number of candies at the end of each day are summarized below:
Day | Box | Box | Box |
As such, the procedure should return .
- for all
- for all
- for all
- ( points)
- ( points) for all
- ( points)
- ( points) and for all
- ( points) No additional constraints.
Sample Grader
The sample grader reads in the input in the following format:
- line :
- line :
- line :
- line :
The sample grader prints your answers in the following format:
- line :
Attachment Package
The sample grader and sample test cases are available here: