IOI '21 P2 - Keys

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Points: 25 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 512M

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Timothy the architect has designed a new escape game. In this game, there are n rooms numbered from 0 to n1. Initially, each room contains exactly one key. Each key has a type, which is an integer between 0 and n1, inclusive. The type of the key in room i (0in1) is r[i]. Note that multiple rooms may contain keys of the same type, i.e., the values r[i] are not necessarily distinct.

There are also m bidirectional connectors in the game, numbered from 0 to m1. Connector j (0jm1) connects a pair of different rooms u[j] and v[j]. A pair of rooms can be connected by multiple connectors.

The game is played by a single player who collects the keys and moves between the rooms by traversing the connectors. We say that the player traverses connector j when they use this connector to move from room u[j] to room v[j], or vice versa. The player can only traverse connector j if they have collected a key of type c[j] before.

At any point during the game, the player is in some room x and can perform two types of actions:

  • collect the key in room x, whose type is r[x] (unless they have collected it already),
  • traverse a connector j, where either u[j]=x or v[j]=x, if the player has collected a key of type c[j] beforehand. Note that the player never discards a key they have collected.

The player starts the game in some room s not carrying any keys. A room t is reachable from a room s, if the player who starts the game in room s can perform some sequence of actions described above, and reach room t.

For each room i (0in1), denote the number of rooms reachable from room i as p[i]. Timothy would like to know the set of indices i that attain the minimum value of p[i] across 0in1.

Implementation Details

You are to implement the following procedure:

std::vector<int> find_reachable(std::vector<int> r, std::vector<int> u, std::vector<int> v, std::vector<int> c)
  • r: an array of length n. For each i (0in1), the key in room i is of type r[i].
  • u, v: two arrays of length m. For each j (0jm1), connector j connects rooms u[j] and v[j].
  • c: an array of length m. For each j (0jm1), the type of key needed to traverse connector j is c[j].
  • This procedure should return an array a of length n. For each 0in1, the value of a[i] should be 1 if for every j such that 0jn1, p[i]p[j]. Otherwise, the value of a[i] should be 0.


Example 1

Consider the following call:

find_reachable({0, 1, 1, 2},
               {0, 0, 1, 1, 3}, {1, 2, 2, 3, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 0, 2})

If the player starts the game in room 0, they can perform the following sequence of actions:

Current room Action
0 Collect key of type 0
0 Traverse connector 0 to room 1
1 Collect key of type 1
1 Traverse connector 2 to room 2
2 Traverse connector 2 to room 1
1 Traverse connector 3 to room 3

Hence room 3 is reachable from room 0. Similarly, we can construct sequences showing that all rooms are reachable from room 0, which implies p[0]=4. The table below shows the reachable rooms for all starting rooms:

Starting room i Reachable rooms p[i]
0 [0,1,2,3] 4
1 [1,2] 2
2 [1,2] 2
3 [1,2,3] 3

The smallest value of p[i] across all rooms is 2, and this is attained for i=1 or i=2. Therefore, this procedure should return [0,1,1,0].

Example 2
find_reachable({0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2},
               {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5},
               {1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6},
               {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1})

The table below shows the reachable rooms:

Starting room i Reachable rooms p[i]
0 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] 7
1 [1,2] 2
2 [1,2] 2
3 [3,4,5,6] 4
4 [4,6] 2
5 [3,4,5,6] 4
6 [4,6] 2

The smallest value of p[i] across all rooms is 2, and this is attained for i{1,2,4,6}. Therefore, this procedure should return [0,1,1,0,1,0,1].

Example 3
find_reachable({0, 0, 0}, {0}, {1}, {0})

The table below shows the reachable rooms:

Starting room i Reachable rooms p[i]
0 [0,1] 2
1 [0,1] 2
2 [2] 1

The smallest value of p[i] across all rooms is 1, and this is attained when i=2. Therefore, this procedure should return [0,0,1].


  • 2n300000
  • 1m300000
  • 0r[i]n1 for all 0in1
  • 0u[j],v[j]n1 and u[j]v[j] for all 0jm1
  • 0c[j]n1 for all 0jm1


  1. (9 points) c[j]=0 for all 0jm1 and n,m200
  2. (11 points) n,m200
  3. (17 points) n,m2000
  4. (30 points) c[j]29 (for all 0jm1) and r[j]29 (for all 0in1)
  5. (33 points) No additional constraints.

Sample Grader

The sample grader reads the input in the following format:

  • line 1: n m
  • line 2: r[0] r[1]  r[n1]
  • line 3+j (0jm1): u[j] v[j] c[j]

The sample grader prints the return value of find_reachable in the following format:

  • line 1: a[0] a[1]  a[n1]

Attachment Package

The sample grader and sample test cases are available here:


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