JOI '18 Spring Camp Day 1 P1 - Construction of Highway

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Points: 30 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 512M

Problem types

There are N cities in JOI Kingdom, which are indexed by the numbers from 1 to N. City 1 is the capital city. Each city has a value called liveliness and the initial value of liveliness of city i (1iN) is Ci. Roads in JOI Kingdom connect two different cities bidirectionally. Initially, there are no roads in JOI Kingdom. You have planned N1 constructions of roads. The j-th construction (1jN1) is planned to be done in the following way.

  • Two cities, Aj and Bj, are appointed, when one can go from city 1 to city Aj and cannot go from city 1 to city Bj by using only roads constructed at that time.
  • You construct a road connecting city Aj and city Bj. The cost of this construction is the number of pairs of cities (s,t) satisfying the following conditions: City s and City t lie on the shortest path between city 1 and city Aj, and when one goes from city 1 to city Aj he arrives city s before city t, and the value of liveliness of city s is strictly larger than that of city t. Here, cities lying on the path between city 1 and city Aj include city 1 and city Aj. Notice that the shortest path between city 1 and city Aj is unique.
  • The values of liveliness of all cities lying on the path between city 1 and city Aj change to the value of liveliness of city Bj.

You want to know the cost of each construction.

Input Specification

The first line of input contains an integer N. This means there are N cities in JOI Kingdom.

The second line of input contains N space separated integers Ci. This means the initial value of liveliness of city i is Ci.

Each of following N1 lines contains two space separated integers Aj, Bj. This means city Aj and city Bj are appointed for the j-th construction of road. By using roads constructed before the j-th construction, one can go from city 1 to city Aj and cannot go from city 1 to city Bj (1jN1).

Output Specification

Output N1 lines to the standard output. The j-th line (1jN1) of output contains the cost of the j-th construction of road.


All input data satisfy the following conditions.

  • 1N105
  • 1Ci109 (1iN)
  • 1AjN (1jN1)
  • 1BjN (1jN1)
  • By using roads constructed before the j-th construction, one can go from city 1 to city Aj and cannot go from city 1 to city Bj (1jN1).
Subtask Points Additional constraints
1 7 N500
2 9 N4000
3 84 N105

Sample Input 1

1 2 3 4 5
1 2
2 3
2 4
3 5

Sample Output 1


Explanation for Sample 1

In Sample Input 1, constructions are done as follows:

  • In the first construction, there are no pairs (s,t) satisfying the conditions, so the cost is 0. A road connecting city 1 and city 2 is constructed and the value of liveliness of city 1 changes to 2.
  • In the second construction, there are no pairs (s,t) satisfying the conditions too, so the cost is 0. A road connecting city 2 and city 3 is constructed and the values of liveliness of city 1 and city 2 change to 3.
  • In the third construction, there are no pairs (s,t) satisfying the conditions too, so the cost is 0. A road connecting city 2 and city 4 is constructed and the values of liveliness of city 1 and city 2 change to 4.
  • In the fourth construction, two pairs (s,t)=(1,3),(2,3) satisfy the conditions, so the cost is 2. A road connecting city 3 and city 5 is constructed and the values of liveliness of city 1, city 2 and city 3 change to 5.

Sample Input 2

1 7 3 4 8 6 2 9 10 5
1 2
1 3
2 4
3 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
5 9
6 10

Sample Output 2



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