Editorial for MALD Contest 1 P5 - Scratch Cat and Desktop Backgrounds

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

Author: Lost

Hint 1
How can you find the difference in ones and zeroes in \mathcal O(1)?

Hint 2
Using a difference array where 1 = 1 and 0 = -1, how can you rearrange the I(S) formula? How can you deal with the absolute value?

Subtask 1
This problem is solvable in \mathcal O(|T|^2) by iterating all substrings of T. For each r position (end position of substring), decrement all l positions (start position of substring) and keep track of ones and zeroes. Alternatively, you can iterate all unique pairs of l and r and use a prefix sum array. Increment your answer if the current substring S has an I(S) value between b_l and b_r. Using a 64-bit floating point (double) won't pass due to precision errors.

Complexity: \mathcal O(|T|^2)

Full Solution
Update a difference array where 1 = 1 and 0 = -1. After accumulation, \text{psa}[r] - \text{psa}[l-1] now represents f_1 - f_0 in the range [l, r].

Step 1. Finding fₗ(K) : Substrings With Imbalance ≤ K (Without Absolute Value>
Let f_l(x) (less) denote the number of substrings with I(S) (without absolute value) \le x.

The imbalance I(S) of the substring S from l to r is \frac{|\text{psa}[r]-\text{psa}[l-1]|}{r-(l-1)} \times 100. To make the equation easier to deal with, we will remove the absolute value for now.

We can algebraically manipulate the inequality: \displaystyle \frac{\text{psa}[r]-\text{psa}[l-1]}{r-(l-1)} \times 100 \le K \displaystyle 100 \times \text{psa}[r] - 100 \times \text{psa}[l-1] \le Kr - K(l-1) \displaystyle 100 \times \text{psa}[r] - Kr \le 100 \times \text{psa}[l-1] - K(l-1) For each r value (iterate left to right), count the number of l positions with a greater or equal 100 \times \text{psa}[x] - Kx value. Inversion counting can be done in \mathcal O(\log N) using a BIT (Fenwick Tree) or an order statistics tree.

Modifying a tree from the GNU PBDS library allows it to behave like a multiset with order statistic operations. Using a tree from the GNU PBDS library in C++ is much shorter to type but is about ten times slower than a BIT. Subtask 3 compensates those who typed the longer and faster BIT solution.

Step 2. Finding fₛₗ(x) : Substrings With Imbalance < K (Without Absolute Value>
Let f_{sl}(x) (strictly less) denote the number of substrings with I(S) (without absolute value) < x.

We can algebraically manipulate the same inequality from step 1 but with < instead of \le. This results in 100 \times \text{psa}[r] - Kr < 100 \times \text{psa}[l-1] - K(l-1).

You should now find 100 \times \text{psa}[x] - Kx values strictly greater instead of greater than or equal. You will need to tweak your BIT or ordered statistics tree to accommodate this. When using a BIT, 100 \times \text{psa}[x] - Kx values can reach values like 100 \times -10^6 - 100 \times 10^6 = -2 \times 10^8. What you can do is compress 100 \times \text{psa}[x] - Kx values so they fit. Some large constant factor compression implementations might not pass subtask 3.

Step 3. Finding Substrings With Imbalance < K and ≤ K (With Absolute Value)
Remember that f_l(x) and f_{sl}(x) are calculated using the I(S) formula without the absolute value. Because \text{psa}[r] - \text{psa}[l-1] can be negative (more zeroes than ones), you need to count the substrings between -K and K.

Recall f_l(x) (less) is our answer from step 1: the number of substrings with I(S) (without absolute value) \le x.

Recall f_{sl}(x) (strictly less) is our answer from step 2: the number of substrings with I(S) (without absolute value) < x.

We can modify them to work for absolute values:
  • For the number of substrings S with I(S) \le K (with absolute value), we should be finding the number of I(S) in the range [-K, K]:

  •   Number of substrings S with I(S) in range [-K, K] = f_l(K) - f_{sl}(-K)

  • For the number of substrings S with I(S) < K (with absolute value), we should be finding the number of I(S) in the range (-K, K):

  •   Number of substrings S with I(S) in range (-K, K) = f_{sl}(K) - f_l(-K)
This process is displayed in the visualization below.

Putting Everything Together
Now we have the formulas for I(S) \le K and I(S) < K with the absolute value. The number of substrings S with I(S) in the range [b_l, b_r] is the difference between the number of substrings with I(S) \le b_r and the substrings with I(S) < b_l.

The final formula for our answer is (f_l(b_r) - f_{sl}(-b_r)) - (f_{sl}(b_l) - f_l(-b_l)): the subarrays in the range [-b_r, -b_l] and [b_l, b_r].

Final Formula Visualization

A dotted border means exclusive range, while continuous means inclusive range.

Complexity: \mathcal O(|T| \log |T|)


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