Arithmetic Square, everyone's favourite problem. Welcome to the better problem, Arithmetic Line!
You are given integers, which are guaranteed to form an arithmetic sequence. However, they appear scrambled! Can you recreate the arithmetic sequence given the
Recall that an arithmetic sequence of length is a sequence of integers of the form
for integer values of and
. For the purposes of this problem,
is a non-negative integer.
Input Specification
The first line will contain the integer
, the number of integers.
The second line will contain integers,
, the integers you are given. It is guaranteed that these integers form an arithmetic sequence in some permutation of them.
Output Specification
Output the recreated arithmetic sequence.
Sample Input
7 3 5
Sample Output
3 5 7
Explanation For Sample
The arithmetic sequence of integers that is built has
For python users: If you were to make a list in this problem to use the sort() function, be sure to get rid of the brackets! :)
DON'T FORGET 2 DIGIT/CHARACTER NUMBERS EXIST stared at my code for 10 minutes before i figured that out