Editorial for Median Modulo

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Author: zhouzixiang2004

Subtask 1

For subtask 1, we can store the numbers N \bmod 1, N \bmod 2, N \bmod 3, \dots, N \bmod N in an array, sort it, and output the \lfloor \frac{N+1}{2} \rfloorth element.

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(N \log N)

Alternatively, we can use an \mathcal{O}(N) median finding algorithm, such as std::nth_element in C++.

Subtask 2

Subtask 2 is created to reward solutions that are faster than \mathcal{O}(N) but not fast enough for subtask 3 or are incorrect because of using only 32-bit integers.

Subtask 3

For subtask 3, we can perform a binary search on the answer. To count how many numbers in the sequence are less than or equal to the number we are testing, note that N \bmod x = N - x\lfloor \frac{N}{x} \rfloor and there are only \mathcal{O}(\sqrt N) different possible values of \lfloor \frac{N}{x} \rfloor. When \lfloor \frac{N}{x} \rfloor is fixed, the numbers N \bmod x = N - x\lfloor \frac{N}{x} \rfloor form an arithmetic sequence, and we can use simple math to count how many of them are small enough.

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(\sqrt N\log N)

Subtask 4

Subtask 4 is created to reward \mathcal{O}(\sqrt N) solutions that use some of the observations in subtask 5.

Subtask 5

For subtask 5, note that N \bmod x < x. When doing the binary search for subtask 3, this means that if the number we are testing is fairly large, we can significantly speed things up by not considering the x values that are less than the number we are testing, since we know for sure that N \bmod x is small enough. If we loop across possible \lfloor \frac{N}{x} \rfloor values and stop when all x with this value are small enough, we can test a number mid in \mathcal{O}(\frac{N}{mid}) time instead of \mathcal{O}(\sqrt N). It turns out this solution is fast enough and passes subtask 5 easily, and we prove this below.

How large is the answer? If we use one of the slower solutions to print out a lot of answers for small N, we can conjecture that the answer grows approximately linear in N. If the correct answer is always around cN for some constant c, then the solution above takes at most \mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{c} \log N) time, which would be fast enough. Upon experimenting we can realize that c appears to be around 0.1459854.

It is actually fairly easy to prove a slightly weaker bound. We show that the answer is greater than 0.1N, and we do this by showing that there are more than 0.5N numbers of the form N \bmod x that are greater than 0.1N. When \frac{N}{2} < x \le N, \lfloor \frac{N}{x} \rfloor = 1, so N \bmod x = N-x which takes all numbers between 0 and approximately \frac{N}{2}, out of which around 0.4N are larger than 0.1N. When \frac{N}{3} < x \le \frac{N}{2}, \lfloor \frac{N}{x} \rfloor = 2, so N \bmod x = N-2x which takes every other number between approximately 0 and approximately \frac{N}{3}, out of which around \frac{1/3-0.1}{2}N > 0.11N are larger than 0.1N. Together, these already give more than 0.5N numbers that are larger than 0.1N, proving the claim and showing that the solution above is \mathcal{O}(\log N).

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(\log N)

Remark: Repeating the proof above for more values of \lfloor \frac{N}{x} \rfloor, we can actually calculate that c is exactly \frac{20}{137}. With a bit more work we can show that if f(N) is the answer to the problem, then the function g(N) := f(N)-\lfloor \frac{20}{137}N \rfloor is always between -2 and 2, and is periodic with a period of 8220 = 137 \cdot 60. As a hint towards why something like this should be true, note that the lowest common multiple of 1,2,3,4,5,6 is 60 and \frac{1}{7} < \frac{20}{137} < \frac{1}{6}.


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