MNYC '16: King Modulus

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Points: 3 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type

Atharva hates modulo (long story). Due to this hate, he learned everything possible about modulo and has been self-named King Modulus. He wants you to share his frustration of modulo by giving you a task. Given two integers N and M, find the value of N \bmod M. The answer for N \bmod M can be viewed as the remainder of a division, where N is the dividend and M is the divisor. The result of a modulo operation is always non-negative. Here is an example of how the modulo operation works:

\displaystyle N \bmod M = (N-M) \bmod M = (N-2M) \bmod M = \dots = (N+M) \bmod M = (N+2M) \bmod M = \dots

For example, 7 \bmod 4 is:

\displaystyle 7 \bmod 4 = 3 \bmod 4 = -1 \bmod 4 = \dots = 11 \bmod 4 = 15 \bmod 4 = \dots = 3

Input Specification

A single line containing N and M separated by a single space.
-10^9 \le N \le 10^9
1 \le M \le 10^6

Output Specification

One line containing the result of N \bmod M.

Sample Input 1

7 4

Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

15 3

Sample Output 2



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