Mock CCC '18 Contest 2 J2 - A Software Engineering Task

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Points: 3 (partial)
Time limit: 5.0s
Memory limit: 1G

Problem type

You are given a 2D array with n rows and m columns and asked to run the following procedure on it 100 times.

for each row in the grid going from top to bottom:
    for each column in the grid going from left to right:
        if the character in the given row and given column is an 'o' and the character in the same column and one row lower is a '.':
            swap those two characters in the grid

Print out the grid after running the procedure 100 times.



In the array, the only characters that will appear are o, #, and ..

Input Specification

The first line contains two space-separated integers, n and m.

Each of the next n lines contains m characters describing the array from top to bottom.

Output Specification

Print the grid in exactly the same format after 100 simulations of the above procedure.

Sample Input

3 3

Sample Output



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