Tudor, having finally had his fill of tea, now needs to think about keeping his goats safe.
Tudor has obtained a large rectangular door that is
There's only one problem - having just one door is aesthetically unpleasing to Tudor.
Therefore, he intends on taking the door and cutting it in half to make a set of double doors that he can use to gate access to his goats.
After cutting the door in half, what is the volume of one of the doors?
In tests worth 14 marks,
Input Specification
The input will consist of two positive space separated integers,
Output Specification
Output, on a single line, the volume of one of the doors. The volume must be printed with exactly one digit after the decimal point.
Sample Input
2 2
Sample Output
Small hint if you are having trouble with batch #2: Your data type has to be able to store AT LEAST 64-bits, so you have to use a long variable type.
Thanks! I was having trouble with batch 2! Try 1000000000 and 1000000000 if you don't see why.
Is Batch #2 even solvable?Java's String.format some how doesn't work... Figured out how to solve it without using String.format
It's tricky tho