Your code will be run through three extra samples. These sample files can be found here.
In this problem, a tree is defined recursively: a single node gives
rise to a tree, letting a tree to be the left (or right) child (of the
root node) gives rise to a tree, and letting two trees to be left and
right children (of the root node) gives rise to a tree. All structures
generated using the above three rules in finite steps are called
trees. In other words, the "tree" here refers to a non-empty, rooted
binary tree that distinguishes left children and right children.
Two trees
are said to be isomorphic (
) if they
meet one of the following four conditions: (1) trees that are formed by
one node are isomorphic; (2) if the root nodes of
have only
the left child, and their left subtrees are isomorphic, then
are isomorphic; (3) if the root nodes of
have only the
right child, and their right subtrees are isomorphic, then
are isomorphic; (4) if the root nodes of
have both the left
and right children, their left subtrees are isomorphic, and their right
subtrees are also isomorphic, then
are isomorphic. In other
words, two trees are isomorphic if and only if they are the same when the
nodes are unlabeled but we are distinguishing left children and right
It is obvious that the isomorphism of trees forms an equivalence relation
over all trees, and we treat isomorphic trees as the same. We say two
trees are different if and only if they are not isomorphic.
A leaf of a tree is defined in the usual way: a leaf is a node
without any children.
We say
may be converted to
using a single-step substitution
if we may replace a leaf node of
with another tree
and the
resulting tree is isomorphic to
, and we use
may be converted to
using a single-step substitution. We
may be converted to
by substitution if there exists a
natural number
and trees
such that
. We use
to denote
may be converted to
by substitution.
In other words, a single-step substitution means we are deleting a leaf
of the tree and putting a new tree at the corresponding position, just like
a larger subtree growing at the original leaf node. If a tree
may be
converted to another tree
by substitution, then it just means we
may use zero, one, or multiple rounds of single-step substitutions to
. For example, any tree may be converted to
itself by substitution, or in other words, for any tree
, we
. This figure shall help understand the meaning
of substitution and single-step substitution:

In particular, we can convert any tree into infinitely many different
trees by substitution, and a tree formed by a single node can be
converted to any other tree by substitution. For a tree
, we define
to be the set of trees that we may convert
into by
substitution, or in other words,
. Moreover, if
is a finite set of trees, then
is defined to be the union of
. So we have
We may treat
as the set of trees the trees in set
can grow into. In other words, the set of trees that trees
can grow into includes all trees that may be converted
into from some
by substitution. We may call a set of
trees a forest. Not rigorously speaking, the new forest that a given
forest can grow into are all the trees in the given forest and all
possible trees that a tree in the given forest may grow into. It is
obvious that the forest a non-empty forest can grow into is an infinite
forest, but the infinite forest, or in other words,
does not necessarily contain all the trees. Moreover, it does not have
to contain "nearly all" trees.
We say a forest is almost complete (or in other words, contains almost
all trees) if there are only finitely many trees are not in the forest.
For a finite forest
may contain all
trees, contain almost all trees, or there are infinitely many trees not
in the forest. For a given finite set of trees
, there
exists an efficient algorithm to decide whether
almost complete, i.e., there are only finitely many trees that trees in
cannot grow into.
The problem asks given a finite set of trees
, whether
there exists only finitely many trees
simply means
there does not exist a
such that
Input Specification
Each test case contains multiple instances. The first line
contains a positive integer
. There are
instances following, and
each instance is specified in the following format: the first line is an
denoting the number of trees in the set. We will specify the
trees using the following format: the first line is an integer
denoting the number of nodes in the tree. The nodes are numbered
. The following
lines contain two non-negative
integers each, and the
-th line contains
separated by a
space denoting the left child and the right child of node
. If the
left or the right child does not exist, then
is equal to
Of course, the leaf nodes satisfy
. The input
guarantees that it will be a tree with node
being the root. Please
note that the labels of the nodes are for convenience only, and
isomorphic trees are considered to be the same.
There may be isomorphic trees in the
trees of an instance. If we
remove the duplicate trees (i.e. we only keep one tree for each
isomorphism class), they shall form a set
. You need to
decide whether
is almost complete.
Output Specification
The output contains
lines specifying the answers to the
instances. The
-th line contains a string: if in the
instance, the
trees in the input grow into an almost complete forest
(or in other words, there are only finitely many trees the trees
specified in the instance cannot grow into), output Almost Complete
Otherwise, output No
. Please pay attention to spelling and
Sample Input 1
0 0
Sample Output 1
Almost Complete
Sample Input 2
2 3
0 0
0 0
2 0
0 0
0 2
0 0
Sample Output 2
Almost Complete
Sample Input 3
2 3
0 0
0 0
2 0
0 0
Sample Output 3
Explanation for Sample Output 3
It is obvious for all
chain-looking trees such that every
non-leaf node has only the right child are not in
and so there are infinitely many trees not in
For all test cases,
denotes the sum of numbers of nodes of the
trees in the instances occurring in a test case,
denotes the sum of number of trees occurring in the instances in a test
denotes the maximum height of trees occurring in the
particular test case (a tree with only one node has height 1).
Test case |
Additional Constraints |
1 |
None. |
2 |
For each instance, , or in other words, there are at most 4 trees in the set of trees occurring in the instance. |
3 |
4 |
None. |
5 |
For each instance, the trees in the set have the same height. |
6 |
None. |
7 |
For each instance, the trees in the set have the same height. |
8 |
None. |
9 |
For each instance, the trees are chains (i.e. any non-leaf node has only one child). |
10 |
For each instance, there are only trees satisfying one of the following two conditions
(1) any non-leaf node has only one child
(2) there are exactly two leaf nodes, and they have the same parent. All other nodes have exactly one child. |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
None. |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |