ICPC NWERC 2011 A - Binomial Coefficients

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Points: 10
Time limit: 3.0s
Memory limit: 1G

Problem type

Gunnar is quite an old and forgetful researcher. Right now he is writing a paper on security in social networks and it actually involves some combinatorics. He wrote a program for calculating binomial coefficients to help him check some of his calculations.

A binomial coefficient is a number

\displaystyle \binom n k = \frac{n!}{k! (n-k)!},

where n and k are non-negative integers.

Gunnar used his program to calculate \binom n k and got a number m as a result. Unfortunately, since he is forgetful, he forgot the numbers n and k he used as input. These two numbers were a result of a long calculation and they are written on one of many papers lying on his desk. Instead of trying to search for the papers, he tried to reconstruct the numbers n, k from the output he got. Can you help him and find all possible candidates?

Input Specification

On the first line a positive integer: the number of test cases, at most 100.

After that, per test case: one line with an integer m (2 \le m \le 10^{15}): the output of Gunnar's program.

Output Specification

Per test case:

  • one line with an integer: the number of ways of expressing m as a binomial coefficient.
  • one line with all pairs (n, k) that satisfy \binom n k = m. Order them in increasing order of n and, in case of a tie, order them in increasing order of k. Format them as in the sample output.

Sample Input


Sample Output

(6,2) (6,4) (15,1) (15,14)


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