Levve loves pie, but not just any kind of pie, he loves PIe! PIe is made up of only two, rather odd, ingredients, being the mathematical constants of and
However, Levve has somehow managed to forget the ingredient list for his favourite dessert! Could you help him by printing the first digits of
Levve just has a little problem with this. He absolutely hates any number other than or
, so you must not use any numeric characters in your program. Furthermore, Levve is a busy man (busy at making PIes, of course), so he insists that your code be as short as possible! Finally, Levve is requiring you to only use ASCII characters!
Input Specification
Levve is too hungry for PIe to provide input. (There is no input for this problem.)
Output Specification
You are to output:
314159 271828
You will be given a score of where
is the length of your program in bytes. However, if you use any numeric or non-ASCII characters in your program, you will receive a score of
Thank you for the problem. It certainly deserves more than 1 point given that no one has succeeded at getting all 100 points.
(I can't get 100 points, let alone 98 points!)
1 point problems are generally reserved for non-standard problems (such as this one). These are generally April Fool's day problems, or other problems you would not usually see on a programming contest similar to CCC, ICPC, etc.
Yes, what you say makes sense since it's relying on language-specific features. It's a fun one and I've learned from getting as far as I did :).
It's also worth noting that not every problem is supposed to be solvable. In fact, the scoring function of this problem was set such that none of the known solutions at the time would get 100 points.
And how would you know that we haven't tried that optimisation? Or that any further optimisation exists?
True, I don't know for sure if the 98ers haven't tried that optimization. The one I'm thinking of results in a one byte savings (which may be enough for 98 -> 100). I don't really want to post it here because I imagine the 98ers are the type of people who would prefer to solve it without hints :). I'll be happy just to discover some day what it is the 98ers did to get 98.
Just a guess, but if you're referring to switching to Python 2 to allow
without parentheses, it doesn't work. Perhaps the fact that all the top submissions use Python 3 is some sort of hint...Yes, that was it. I wonder if there's a mistake in the scoring algorithm then.