Editorial for RGPC '18 P4 - Higgs

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Author: RuAr

Since we have to check which ticks are prime, we can use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to generate a list of primes. We then have to perform interwoven updates and queries, meaning that both operations must be efficient. Using traditional data structures, we can only achieve imbalanced O(1) and O(N) operations (with prefix sum/difference arrays), or O(logN) and O(NlogN) operations (with Binary Indexed Trees or BITs). We thus have to use a range update and range query binary indexed tree that would enable O(logN) for both operation types.

We notice that, given a single range update of [a,b] by k, and then a query to the sum Sx of elements in the range [0,x], there are 3 possibilities for the value of the sum:

Sx={0if x<ak(x(a1))=kxk(a1)if axbk(b(a1))=kbk(a1)if x>b

We see that we can express this sum in the form δxλ, where δ is the value in the array at index x after update, and λ is a "fix" value that we subtract in order to correct the sum. The value of λ varies depending on x (draw it out for better understanding):

λ={0if x<ak(a1)if axbkb+k(a1)if x>b

Showing that this idea generalizes to multiple updates and queries is left as an exercise for the reader. With this mathematical formulation, we can use 2 BITs to implement this algorithm: one to store the accumulated δ values (which we maintain like a normal range update point query BIT), and one to store the accumulated λ corrections.

Or, you know, use a segment tree with lazy propagation, but the BIT solution is less clunky.

Time complexity: O(TloglogT+TlogN)


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