Editorial for The Contest Contest 1 P2 - A Typical CCC Senior Problem

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Author: AustinJiang

Subtask 1

Under this constraint, the process can be simulated using a stack:

For each possible value of d from 1 to K, iterate through all numbers in the array and push them into a stack. When the current number is d, skip the pushing and remove the last x_d elements from the stack. The answer is the sum of elements that are remaining in the stack.

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(NK)
Subtask 2

This subtask is meant to reward suboptimal implementations of the full solution.

Subtask 3

For each d from 1 to K, we can solve the problem in reverse to calculate the sum of elements that will be removed from the array. In particular, for each value of d from 1 to K, we iterate through their occurrences in reverse order while keeping track of the interval of elements that are removed.

Suppose we are at some position i and the left endpoint of the interval is l. There are two cases:

  • Case 1: i < l
    In this case, the elements in the interval [i+1, l-1] are intact, so we add the sum of those elements to the answer. We set our new value of l to be i-x_d.
  • Case 2: i \ge l
    In this case, we have to remove some additional elements before index i. To account for this, we set our new value of l to be l-x_d-1. This has the effect of "merging" two intervals of removed elements.

Using a prefix sum array, we can calculate the sum of elements in an interval in \mathcal{O}(1) time and since each position is visited at most once, this gives us our desired time complexity.

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(N + K)


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