Darcy is celebrating his IOI platinum medal. At his party, he tried to split up his cake into many slices and distributed the slices equally. However, his supervisor Eric noticed that Darcy accidentally gave some people an incorrect amount of slices. Calculate how many times Darcy made a mistake.
Input Specification
The first line contains , the number of people at the party. The next line contains integers, each integer representing the number of slices of cake the person has.
It is guaranteed that the total number of slices will be divisible by the number of people at the party.
Output Specification
Output the number of people who did not receive the number of slices they should have received if the cake was divided equally.
Sample Input
1 3 2 2 2
Sample Output
If the slices were evenly distributed, everyone would receive 2 slices. Darcy only gave 1 slice to person 1, and gave the extra slice to person 2.