Wesley's Anger Contest 2 Problem 1 - OCT 31 = DEC 25?

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Points: 3
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem type

Halloween is coming up soon! Unfortunately, you forgot what day of the week it is on. Thankfully, Carson has remembered the day of the week that Christmas is on, and knowing that OCT 31 = DEC 25, believes this information is more than enough to help you out.

Given the day of the week that Christmas is on, determine the day that Halloween is on.

Recall that Halloween is on October 31 and Christmas is on December 25 based on the Gregorian calendar.

Input Specification

There will be a single line of input, the day of the week that Christmas is on for some unspecified year. Specifically, the input will be one of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

Output Specification

This problem is graded with an identical checker. This includes whitespace characters. Ensure that every line of output is terminated with a \n character and that there are no trailing spaces.

Output a single line, the day of the week that Halloween is on for the same year. Specifically, the output must be one of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

Sample Input


Sample Output



  • 1
    LucaC  commented on July 14, 2020, 5:36 a.m.

    I did this the wrong way around! Just thought I would give a reminder that the input is the day that Christmas falls on, not Halloween. I learned this the hard way. Don't make my mistake :P

  • 2
    mdu  commented on Jan. 21, 2020, 2:23 a.m.

    i legit thought halloween was on the 30th for a few seconds