Waterloo 2001 Winter D - Division

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Points: 7
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem types

Given t, a, b positive integers not bigger than 2\,147\,483\,647, establish whether \dfrac{t^a - 1}{t^b -1} is an integer with less than 100 digits. Each line of input contains t, a, b. For each line of input print the formula followed by its value, or followed by is not an integer with less than 100 digits., whichever is appropriate.

Sample Input

2 9 3
2 3 2
21 42 7
123 911 1

Sample Output

(2^9-1)/(2^3-1) 73
(2^3-1)/(2^2-1) is not an integer with less than 100 digits.
(21^42-1)/(21^7-1) 18952884496956715554550978627384117011154680106
(123^911-1)/(123^1-1) is not an integer with less than 100 digits.
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