Editorial for WC '16 Contest 1 S4 - TP

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Computing expected values directly can be problematic, but they can often be computed based on probabilities of events instead. For example, in the case of this problem, if we let P_i be the probability that exactly i different houses will have been TP-ed after all M passes, then the expected number of different houses to be TP-ed is \sum_{i=0}^N i \cdot P_i.

Now, how can we compute these P values? We can use dynamic programming. Let DP[p][h] be the probability that exactly h houses will have been TP-ed after p passes. For starters, we know that DP[0][0] = 1, and DP[0][1 \dots N] = 0. From a given state (p, h), there are only 3 possible transitions to consider: whether the (p+1)-th pass results in 0, 1, or 2 additional houses getting TP-ed (leading to states (p+1, h), (p+1, h+1), or (p+1, h+2)). We'll need to compute the probability of each of these 3 transitions occurring. For starters, there are t = \frac{N(N-1)}{2} total possible pairs of houses, and if h houses have been TP-ed so far, then h_2 = N-h houses have not.

In order for zero new houses to be TP-ed, both targeted houses must have already been TP-ed. The number of such houses is c_0 = \frac{h(h-1)}{2}. Therefore, the probability of this transition is \frac{c_0}{t}. As a result, we add DP[p][h] \times \frac{c_0}{t} onto DP[p+1][h].

Similarly, there are c_1 = h \times h_2 pairs of targeted houses which would result in 1 new house getting TP-ed, and there are c_2 = \frac{h_2(h_2-1)}{2} pairs which result in 2 new houses getting TP-ed. In the same way, we can add DP[p][h] \times \frac{c_1}{t} onto DP[p+1][h+1], and DP[p][h] \times \frac{c_2}{t} onto DP[p+1][h+2].

Finally, once we've considered all states for p = 0 \dots (M-1) and h = 0 \dots N, we'll have populated the whole DP array. There are \mathcal O(NM) states and only a constant number (3) of transitions from each state, meaning that the time complexity of this algorithm is \mathcal O(NM). For each i, P_i = DP[M][i], so we can proceed to calculate the expected value as described initially.

This problem can also be solved in \mathcal O(1) with some more advanced math. For any given house, N-1 pairs of houses result in it getting TP-ed on any given pass. Therefore, the probability of it getting TP-ed on any given pass is \frac{N-1}{t} = \frac{N-1}{\left(\frac{N(N-1)}{2}\right)} = \frac 2 N, and the probability of it not getting TP-ed is therefore 1-\frac 2 N. As such, the probability of any given house not getting TP-ed at all across all M passes is (1-\frac 2 N)^M. Due to the property of linear expectation, the expected number of houses which won't get TP-ed at all is simply N times that value. Thus, the expected number of houses which will get TP-ed is N-N(1-\frac 2 N)^M.


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