Woburn Challenge 2017-18 Round 3 - Junior Division

You'd like to register an account on an extremely entertaining
website. You've already selected
a username, but it seems that the requirements for choosing a password
are quite strict, in order to completely protect your account from being
hacked into. The password must be a string between a
… z
), uppercase letter (A
… Z
), or digit
… 9
). Furthermore, it must contain at least three lowercase
letters, at least two uppercase letters, and at least one digit.
You've got a potential password in mind, a non-empty string made up of
at most
Input Specification
The first and only line of input consists of a single string, the password.
Output Specification
Output a single string, either Valid
if the password is valid, or
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
Sample Explanations
In the first case, the password has
In the second case, the password has two issues - it's more than