Editorial for WC '18 Contest 1 S1 - Inspiration

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The most direct solution involves iterating over all desks in the grid, and for each type-2 student encountered, iterating over all desks that they can see and checking if a type-1 student is sitting at any of them. Unfortunately, this approach is too slow to receive full marks. There can be up to R \times C type-2 students, and the average number of desks within view of each one is on the order of K, meaning that the time complexity of this solution is \mathcal O(R \times C \times K).

If we assume that K = R-1, then we can come up with a faster solution as follows. For each column, we can iterate through its desks in order from front to back, while maintaining a boolean variable b indicating if there have been any type-1 students so far (initially set to false). When we encounter a type-1 student, we should set b to true, and when we encounter a type-2 student, we know that they can be inspired if and only if b is currently true. The time complexity of this solution is \mathcal O(R \times C), which is fast enough.

This approach can then be generalized to working for any value of K as follows. Let's swap out b for a variable p which represents the row of the most recent (furthest-back) type-1 student encountered so far (initially set to a very negative value). When we encounter a type-1 student at row r, we should set p to be equal to r, and when we encounter a type-2 student at row r, we know that they can be inspired if and only if p \ge r-K.


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