Editorial for WC '18 Contest 1 S4 - Bad Influence

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Let V_i be the volatility of students 1 \dots i. The volatility of a set of students is simply the number of students i who cannot be coerced into using their phones by anybody else (in other words, the number of students i for which there exists no student j such S_i < S_j and D_j-R_j \le D_i \le D_j+R_j). We can thus think of each student as contributing either 0 or 1 volatility to each V value. Let M_i be the smallest value of j which satisfies the above conditions (or M_i = N+1 if there's no such j). If M_i \le i, then student i contributes no volatility at all, and otherwise, they contribute 1 volatility to each of the values V_{i \dots (M_i-1)}. So, if we had the values M_{1 \dots N}, we could use them to compute the volatilities V_{1 \dots N} with a simple \mathcal O(N) sweep.

What remains is computing the values M_{1 \dots N} efficiently. Let's process the N students in decreasing order of S value, either by explicitly sorting them by their S values, or by keying them by their S values and then iterating over all possible S values from 10^6 down to 1. Let X_d be the minimum index (in the original ordered student list) of any student processed so far whose range of influence includes desk d (or X_d = \infty if there's been no such student so far). When processing student i, we can observe that M_i must be equal to X_{Pi}. And upon finishing with student i, we should update X_d to \min(X_d, i) for each desk d in the inclusive interval [D_i-R_i, D_i+R_i].

Let's maintain the values X_{1 \dots K} (where K is the maximum possible D value) using a segment tree with lazy propagation, in which each node stores the minimum value of any X value in its interval, as well as the minimum new value which all X values in its interval should lazily be updated with. This allows us to both query an X value and update a range of X values as necessary in \mathcal O(\log K) time each, resulting in an overall time complexity of \mathcal O((N \log K)+Z) (where K is the maximum possible D value and Z is the maximum possible S value).


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