Editorial for Yet Another Contest 2 P2 - Secret Sequence

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Author: Josh

For this editorial, denote f(x, y) as the interactor's response after making a query with l = x and r = y. Also, a_1, a_2, \dots, a_N is the sequence which we are trying to find. Finally, let \oplus denote the bitwise XOR operator.

M = 1

If we do not restrict ourselves to maximising the value of M, then there are many possible solutions, one of which will be described here.

First, we can query f(1, 2), f(1, 3) and f(2, 3), which allows us to find a_1, a_2 and a_3.

Then, for each x from 4 up to N, we can find a_x by calculating a_{x-1} \oplus f(x-1, x).

M = \lfloor \frac{N-1}{2} \rfloor

Again, there are many constructions which produce a value of M = \lfloor \frac{N-1}{2} \rfloor. It turns out that this is the maximum possible value of M. A proof of this will follow after an example of a possible construction.

First, find the value of f(i, N) for 1 \le N \le \lceil \frac{N+1}{2} \rceil. This lets us work out the value of a_x for 1 \le x \le \lceil \frac{N-1}{2} \rceil, since a_x = f(x, N) \oplus f(x+1, N).

Then, we can work out the value of a_x for \lceil \frac{N+1}{2} \rceil \le x < N with one additional query for each x, since a_x = f(1, x) \oplus a_1 \oplus a_2 \oplus \dots \oplus a_{x-1}. Cumulative prefix XOR sums can be used to speed up this computation.

Finally, we can work out a_N as equal to f(1, N) \oplus a_1 \oplus a_2 \oplus \dots \oplus a_{N-1}. Note that f(1, N) has already been found from the first step, so this does not require an extra query.

This solves the problem with N queries and M = \lfloor \frac{N-1}{2} \rfloor.

Now, let's consider why this value of M is maximal. Let p_x represent the prefix XOR sequence, where p_x = a_1 \oplus a_2 \oplus \dots \oplus a_x. For convenience, let p_0 = 0. Note that being able to work out sequence p is a necessary and sufficient condition for being able to work out sequence a, so we will turn our attention to finding sequence p.

We can see that f(l, r) = p_{l-1} \oplus p_r. Therefore, if we know f(l, r) and one of p_{l-1} or p_r, then we can work out the other value out of p_{l-1} or p_r.

This motivates the following idea: create a graph containing N+1 nodes labelled 0, 1, 2, \dots, N. Whenever we make a query asking for f(l, r), then add a bidirectional edge between l-1 and r. Then, two nodes x and y are connected if and only if knowing the value of p_x allows us to figure out p_y, and vice versa.

After performing N queries, we require the graph to be connected; otherwise, there is no unique solution. Since there are N+1 nodes and N edges, the edges must form a spanning tree of this graph. This also explains why the minimal number of queries to find sequence a is N.

Recall that the value of M is the minimum value of |x-y|-1, for all edges (x, y) in the graph. Now, consider node \lfloor \frac{N}{2} \rfloor. Since the edges form a spanning tree, this node must be connected to another node. However, the minimum value of |\lfloor \frac{N}{2} \rfloor - x|-1 for 0 \le x \le N is \lfloor \frac{N-1}{2} \rfloor. This proves that M cannot exceed \lfloor \frac{N-1}{2} \rfloor. On the other hand, we have already shown via construction that this value of M is attainable, so \lfloor \frac{N-1}{2} \rfloor is the maximum possible value of M.

This graph idea also lends itself to a different construction. First, generate any spanning tree of the N+1 nodes such that |x-y|-1 \ge \lfloor \frac{N-1}{2} \rfloor for all edges (x, y). For each edge (x, y) in this graph with x < y, let it have a weight of f(x+1, y). We know that p_0 = 0. Performing a DFS/BFS on this graph, we can work out the entire sequence p, as p_x is simply the XOR sum of all edges on the path from node 0 to node x. Once we know p, we can easily find sequence a, since a_x = p_{x-1} \oplus p_x for all 1 \le x \le N.


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