Yet Another Contest 9 P3 - Divide and Delete

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Points: 10 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type

Let an array [x1,....,xM] be good if and only if you can make it empty by performing any number of the following two types of operations:

  1. If xi is divisible by i, divide xi by i.
  2. If xi=1, delete xi. The elements to the right of xi are shifted left to accommodate the deletion.

Given an array A=[a1,...,aN], count the number of good subarrays in A. Two good subarrays are counted separatedly if they span different indexes in A, even if the elements they contain are the same.




Subtask 1 [50%]


Subtask 2 [50%]

No additional constraints.

Input Specification

The first line contains a single integer, N.

The second line contains N space-separated integers, a1,a2,,aN.

Output Specification

Output a single line containing the number of good subarrays in A. Note that this number may be too large to fit in a 32-bit integer.

Sample Input

1 2 6 1

Sample Output



For example, the array [1,2,6] is good because, it can be made empty using the following operations:

  • Divide the third element by 3, resulting in the array [1,2,2].
  • Divide the second element by 2, resulting the array [1,1,2].
  • Delete the first element, resulting in the array [1,2].
  • Divide the second element by 2, resulting the array [1,1].
  • Delete the first element, resulting in the array [1].
  • Delete the first element, resulting in the empty array.


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