2022 International Olympiad in Informatics Day 1 (Mirror)

This will be a mirror of the 2022 International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI 2022) Day 1.

This contest is not rated.

  • All problems will be C++ only.
  • Contest duration: 5 hours.
  • Number of problems: 3.
  • Each problem is worth 100 points with subtasks that offer partial credit.
  • Partial output: None.
  • You may make up to 50 submissions for each task.
  • Scoreboard will be visible.


Problem Points AC Rate Users
IOI '22 P1 - Catfish Farm 25p 7.9% 54
IOI '22 P2 - Prisoner Challenge 25p 7.8% 26
IOI '22 P3 - Radio Towers 30p 7.0% 17


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