Mock CCO '18 Contest 5, Days 1 and 2
This contest is the fifth in a series of mock CCO contests inspired by the works of the fourth mock CCO from this series.
. We recommend that you only participate in this contest if you did well inYou will have 4 hours to do 5 problems with full feedback. You may submit no more than 50 submissions per problem. Additionally, the scoreboard will be disabled during the contests.
Although we are giving full feedback, keep in mind the following:
- Unless stated otherwise, your output must match the judge output exactly. The judge will check for proper formatting. Lines should be properly terminated with a newline character.
- Even if no explicit subtasks are mentioned in the problem, suboptimal solutions will still be able to earn marks. All competitors are encouraged to go for partial marks on problems they cannot fully solve.
This contest will not be rated.
We provide a screenshot of the top competitors from the live edition of this scoreboard. Note that problem 3 is not included in this set.
Problem | Points | AC Rate | Users | Editorials |
Baltic OI '18 P1 - Love Polygon | 20p | 19.3% | 44 | Editorial |
Baltic OI '18 P2 - Martian DNA | 10p | 35.7% | 157 | Editorial |
Baltic OI '18 P4 - Alternating Current | 25p | 12.2% | 8 | Editorial |
Baltic OI '18 P5 - Genetics | 25p | 15.0% | 51 | Editorial |
Baltic OI '18 P6 - Paths | 15p | 33.0% | 105 | Editorial |