Editorial for COI '09 #2 Kolo

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We use the sieve of Eratosthenes to find the first K prime numbers.

Now we mark the square with 0 and circles with numbers 1 to N-1. Since it would be impossible to simulate the entire game within the time limit, we first determine an algorithm that will help us find A's final position. Let's assume that currently A is on position x and the current prime is p:

  • If x = 0, then A is in the square so x becomes N \bmod p.
  • Else, if x \ne 0, then we can determine how many times the person in the square changes place with x:
    • If x \le p \bmod (N-1) then x becomes (x-1) \bmod N
    • Else x becomes (x - p \mathbin{\text{div}} (N-1)) \bmod N

Where \bmod is the modulus operator and \text{div} is integer division. Now we need to solve the other way so that we may answer the question "If A is on X then who is on X-1 (or X+1)?"

Let's assume that we know position x after the prime p was played.

  • If x = p \bmod N, then x was at 0 before prime p.
  • Else, if x \ne p \bmod N:
    • x becomes (x + p \mathbin{\text{div}} (N-1)) \bmod N
    • If x \le p \bmod (N-1) then x becomes (x+1) \bmod N

The time complexity is \mathcal O(K).


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