Editorial for Facebook Hacker Cup '17 Qualifying Round P3 - Fighting the Zombie

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For each attack, we need to compute the probability that it rolls at least H damage. We can compute this using dynamic programming.

Let f(D, K) be the probability of dealing at least K damage with D dice. For a given input X\ Y\ Z, we want to compute f(X, H-Z). We can use the following recursive definition:

  • f(D, K) = 1 for K \le 0 (We can always do at least 0 damage)
  • f(0, K) = 0 for K > 0 (We can't do a positive amount of damage with 0 dice)
  • f(D, K) = \frac 1 Y \sum_{d=1}^Y f(D-1, K-d)

This last formula combines the outcomes of all possible die rolls for a single die, and weights them evenly by \frac 1 Y.

In this way, we can compute the probability of success for each attack in \mathcal O(XY(H-Z)) time.

Since the most damage we can do is XY, we can trivially reject any case where H-Z > XY. That means we can also consider the time complexity to be \mathcal O(XYXY) = \mathcal O(X^2 Y^2).


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