Editorial for IOI '18 P5 - Highway Tolls

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

Subtask 1

  • Test every possible t.

Subtask 2

  • Sort the vertices by the distance from s. Then t can be found using binary search.

Subtask 3

  • Binary search.

Subtask 4

  • One function call with weight of every edge A to find the distance between s and t in unweighted G.
  • An edge e on the shortest path between s and t can be found using binary search.
  • After removing e, the graph will be separated into two subtrees. Then you can perform the solution of Subtask 2 twice to find s and t separately.
  • Centroid decomposition is possible but implementation will be tough.

Subtask 5

  • Let S be a subset of V, where V is the set of vertices in G.
  • We set the weight of edges between S and VS to 1. The weights of other edges are set to 2. Then, we can tell whether exactly one of s and t belongs to S by looking at the parity of the answer to the call.
  • Thus we can compute sxort. Using this, we can also find s and t themselves.

Subtask 6

  • Solution A: 21 points
    • A vertex v on a shortest path between s and t can be found using binary search.
    • Construct a BFS tree with root v. Then, we can use binary search again to find one of s and t.
    • The other can be found similarly.
  • Solution B: 31 points
    • Find an edge e on a shortest path between s and t as in Subtask 4.
    • Let e=uv. Without loss of generality, we can assume s, u, v and t appears in this order on this shortest path.
    • Then we can prove that s is strictly closer to u than to v. Similarly, t is closer to v than to u.
    • Thus we have disjoint candidate sets S and T such that s and t are contained in S and T, respectively. At the same time, we can construct BFS trees of vertex sets S and T with roots u and v, respectively. We can suppose a shortest path goes only through e and edges in the BFS trees.
    • Now we can find s and t as in the last part of Subtask 4.


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