Editorial for IOI '96 P2 - Job Processing

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Subtask A

It is obvious that an optimal schedule can be modified in such a way that each machine starts processing at time 0 and never idle until performing the operation on all jobs that are scheduled for that machine.

The maximal number of jobs that can be processed within time t by machine m of type Op is t \operatorname{div} PTime[Op,m]. Therefore the minimal amount of time that is needed to perform operation Op on all N jobs is the least number t such that:

\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{M[Op]} (t \operatorname{div} PTime[Op,i]) \ge N

The following algorithm computes the total processing time for operation Op in variable t:

  For i:=1 To M[Op] Do
    Processed:=Processed+(t Div PTime[Op,i]);
Until Processed>=N;

Subtask B

It is obvious that the schedule for type A machines is the same as in the case of subtask A.

Let TAB be the minimal amount of time that is necessary to perform both operations on all N jobs.

We may assume that each machine of type B finishes processing exactly at time TAB and never idle between executing two consecutive jobs. If this is not the case originally then we can modify the optimal schedule accordingly, since if a job is available at a time in the intermediate container then this job will be available later too.

Let d be the time when processing of the first job by a machine of type B starts according to the optimal schedule. Denote by TB the minimal amount of time that is necessary to perform single operation B on all N jobs. By the same argument as in case of subtask A, we have that TAB = d+TB. We already have an algorithm to compute the value TB, hence it remains to develop an algorithm which computes the delay time d.

Let Finish(Op,t) be the number of jobs that are finished at time t according to an optimal schedule for a single operation Op.

The delay time d is the least number that satisfies the following condition:

For every t (0 \le t < TB), at least Finish(B,TB-t) number of jobs are available in the intermediate container at time d+t.

We can check for a given d whether it satisfies the above condition. Therefore the value d could be computed by starting at d = 1 and incrementing d while the condition does not hold.

We have faster computation by using incremental method. This method works as follows. The starting value for d is 1. Suppose that the above condition holds for a given d and t values 0, \dots, ts. If the condition does not hold for t value ts+1 then increase d until the condition holds.


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