NOI '18 P2 - Inverse

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Points: 25 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 512M

Problem type

Consider the bubble sort algorithm:

for i = 1 to n do
    for j = 1 to n - 1 do
        if(p[j] > p[j + 1])
            swap(p[j], p[j+1])

Let denote f(p) as the number of times the function swap is called when we run the bubble sort algorithm on permutation p. We call p a good permutation if f(p)=12i=1n|ipi|. One can prove 12i=1n|ipi| is a tight lower bound for permutations of length n.

You are given an permutation q and asked to the number of good permutations of length n that is strictly lexicographically larger than q. The output might be too large, so you only need to output the answer under modulo 998244353

Input Specification

The first line contains an integer T, the number of test cases.

For each test case,

  • The first line contains an integer n, which is the length of the permutation.
  • The second lines contains n integers in the permutation.

Output Specification

For each test case, output the answer under modulo 998244353


For all test file, T=5.

nmax is the maximum n in a single file. n is the sum of n is a single file.

Sample 1 Input

1 3 2

Sample 1 Output


Sample 1 Explanation

All permutation lexicographically larger than "1 3 2" is good except "3 2 1"

Sample 2 Input

1 4 2 3

Sample 2 Output


For all data, T=5 is satisfied (sample may not be satisfied).

Denote nmax to denote the maximum value of n in each set of data, and n to denote the sum of n for all data.

test point nmax= n special properties
1 8 5 nmax None
2 9 5 nmax none
3 10 5 nmax None
4 12 5 nmax None
5 13 5 nmax None
6 14 5 nmax None
7 16 5 nmax None
8 16 5 nmax None
9 17 5 nmax None
10 18 5 nmax None
11 18 5 nmax None
12 122 700 iqi=i
13 144 700 None
14 166 700 None
14 166 700 None
16 233 700 None
17 777 4000 iqi=i
18 888 4000 None
19 933 4000 None
20 1000 4000 None
21 266666 2000000 iqi=i
22 333333 2000000 none
23 444444 2000000 None
24 555555 2000000 None
25 600000 2000000 none


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